SHAKEIT thanks for always making time to always be there for me whenever i need someone! i miss you so damn much! you are one person i'll never ever forget! my one and only shakeit! iloveyouso damn much! MWAHHHHH*

DONN! i missed those times sitting right next to you last year! miss you so much la. you and all your nonsense i tell you!

PARTNERR! OMG! the bestest partner ever, seriously! thanks for always being there whenever i needed you. want you to know that i'm always here for you too, no matter what! love you truckloads PARTNER! (:

JASPER BABY!i miss you so much baby! lunch sometime soon again yeh! MWAAAAAAHHHHH*

PRESTY! I TELL YOU! I MISS ALL YOUR NOISE IN CLASSSS! it feels so weird w/o you now. i havent talked to you for quite some time. damn, i miss you hell of alot! just wanna let you know that i'm always here, and i love you SO MUCH; SO DAMN MUCH!

VANESSA! my closest friend for the past six to seven years! i miss you and all your jokes! we have catch things up sometime soon yeh! iloveyou VERY MUCH, and you know that! thanks for being an awesome friend! :D

last but not least... DOTT! i'm sorry for all that has happened. i hope we can really talk things out, and resolve the misunderstandings between ourselves! but still, no matter what, i want you to know that i'll always regard you as my DOTT. always.

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